(Un)common Rain
The School for Civic Action
Public Works
Michael Speers
Related projects:
Sound Camp Festival
Acoustic Commons Project
Listening, space, Covid-19, isolation, (un)common times, soundscape, extended perception, field recording, live stream
As the sky turned dark, I was gradually overwhelmed by my own insignificance. It was comforting.
"They said 'find a place to listen', which means to me 'find a home for sounds'. It was a global lockdown, I wanted to feel safe, so I decided to hide in some much smaller spaces, doing nothing but simply listening to the rain."
A roof as tender as leaves.
A shelter shaken by raindrops.
Growing structures.
This is a project developed in the Sound Camp aiming to prototype spatial ideas for PITCH and explore the ideas of the Acoustic Commons. Due to Covid-19, the collaboration has been moved online with a theme of isolation. In this context, I explored the relationship between listening behaviour, sound perception and space, as well as personal and spatial identity.
A mobile off grid sound structure which will act as a base for the Soundcamp Festival and will support the Acoustic Commons project as a listening lab.
Soundcamp Festival:
A 24-hour festival celebrating the International Dawn Chorus Day with live broadcasts, workshops and performances. More details here.
Acoustic Commons:
A project aiming to create space to think together about sounds, ecologies, atmospheres and collective actions in (un)common times. More details here.
I moved my house from inside, trying to get it nearer to a puddle.
My shelter sounds crisp in the rain.
I can hear the air.
Or is it the murmur of my shelter?
My shelter has its own weather.
Are echoes memories?
The sounds refuse to die.
My shelter carries a heavy soul.
My shelter has its way of remembering me.
Notes on self-isolation:
The world listens.
The world sings.
From the Seven Days - Karlheinz Stockhausen
Reveil 2020
International Dawn Chorus Day
Locusonus Soundmap